
up in the air影视英语-初三英语作文:The Weather in Shanghai

发布时间:2017-08-24 所属栏目:幼儿园中班英语教案

一 : 初三英语作文:The Weather in Shanghai

  Shanghai lies in the south of China. In spring, the weather is changeable.  Sometimes it's very cold, sometimes it's very warm. In summer, it becomes hotter and hotter.  The highest temperature is over 40~C. The autumn in Shanghai is very nice.It's neither cold nor hot. The winter in Shanghai isn't very cold.It seldom snows. But most of the children look forward to a white Christmas.

二 : 初二英语作文:The Public Transport in Shanghai

  In Shanghai, there're mainly four means of transportation,the  underground,  taxis,  buses  and  electric  bikes.   The underground is much faster than taxis and buses. Buses are the cheapest but the slowest of the four. Taxis run more quickly than buses, but they are more expensive. Now, more and more people choose to use electric bikes.  The electric bike is both clean and mobile. It also saves money. It is the most convenient means of transportation.

三 : 初三英语作文:The Weather in Shanghai

  Shanghai lies in the south of China. In spring, the weather is changeable.  Sometimes it's very cold, sometimes it's very warm. In summer, it becomes hotter and hotter.  The highest temperature is over 40~C. The autumn in Shanghai is very nice.It's neither cold nor hot. The winter in Shanghai isn't very cold.It seldom snows. But most of the children look forward to a white Christmas.

四 : 中班英语:Jack and Jill went up the hill


jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after.


1.  使幼儿理解儿歌中jack和jill先后跌倒。

2.  让幼儿明确事物之间存在着息息相关密不可分的关联。

3.  通过肢体的信息,传递培养幼儿之间的合作互动能力。





  sing a song“good morning”.

  t:good morning boys and girls . let’s sing a song“good morning”.(边唱边与幼儿打招呼)


  review the song:one,two,boukle,my shoe.”and the chant:“jack and jill went up the hill.”(边唱边用肢体来表现)

ⅲ reveiew game:“jack and jill went up the hill.”



   t:well.i’m going to sing the chant,and you two go up the hill to fetch them back,clear?


   t:ready. ××× and ××× went up the hill to fetch a paid of doggy ……

ⅵ new game“we are bracks”.


    t:kids,do you know what these are?they are briks.they are magic.now,we sing the song together.you know.jack fell down and jill came tumbling after.ok,who wants to be jack,you can push the first bracks.see,jack fell down and jill came tumbling after.


    t:well,let’s play the bricks.now,one by one standing in a line,who wants to be jack?ok, ××× you wall be the first.others,you stand in a line after ×××(边唱歌边沿白线前进)。教师假装推倒第一名幼儿,所有幼儿依次倒下。after that, ××× you fell down,and others,you do like the bricks.

ⅶ ending activities:

    t:oh,what an interesting game!do you like it?


    t:ok,let’s play it next time.(配班老师播放歌谣“jack and jill went up the hill”)

    t:let’s sing the chant after me.伴着音乐节奏,教师带领幼儿离开场地。

本文标题:up in the air影视英语-初三英语作文:The Weather in Shanghai
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1073373.html

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