

发布时间:2018-05-13 所属栏目:新课标八年级上册英语

一 : 外研版八年级上英语作文范文35

M1 How to learn English



(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。

(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。

(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。

(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。

(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Wish all of us can improve our English.

That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.


Dear classmates,

I’m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? It’s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It’s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or American and write emails to each other.

Wish all of us can improve our English.

That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.

M2 Experiences







参考词汇:夏令营 summer camp

Dear Sir/Madam,

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Zhang Hong

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to join in the summer camp. It’s a good way to improve my English and it can help me know more about the American culture.

I often surf the Internet for something new. I love sports and pop music. I do quite well in English and can talk with foreigners freely. I’m very proud of it.

I hope to stay in a large American family with three or four children. I’m sure we’ll have a great time together.

Thank you!


Zhang Hong

M3 Journey to space

M4 Education

某事教育局将某年的9月1日定为爱心慈善日(Charity Day),今年活动的主题是“人人为贫困孩子献爱心”。现在请你以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,内容要点如下(括号中的词汇可供参考):

(1) 许多孩子因贫困而上不起学(too..to…);

(2) 他们没有足够的学习用品和衣物(school things and clothes);

(3) 每个孩子都应该有上学的的权利(have the right to do something);

(4) 我们应该做一些力所能及的事去帮助他们,比如…(as possible as one


(5) 希望他们和我们一样享有在学校获得知识的机会(the same..as…,get



Dear students,

In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school. They are too poor to go to school. At the same time, they don’t have enough school things and clothes. In my opinion, each child should have the right to go to school, but there are few chances for the poor children. So we should help them as possible as we can, just like giving them school things, clothes and so on. We hope they will enjoy the same chance of getting knowledge as we do in the school.

Thanks for your joining!

Students’ Union

M5 Western music


(1) 你喜欢这个节目,尤其是(especially)是英文歌曲;

(2) 当你疲劳时,你会打开收音机听这个节目;

(3) 通过听英语歌曲你学会了很多单词;

(4) 你最喜欢听why did you leave me?这首歌并希望得到歌词(words of the



Dear sir,

I’m a middle school student. I always listen to your radio programme. I like it very much, especially the English songs.

As a student, I’m busy with my lessons. When I feel tired, I will turn on the radio and listen to your programme. I’ve also learned many English words from those songs.

Of all the English songs, I like Why did you leave me? Best. Would you please send me the words of the songs?


Wang Fei

M6 A famous story

M7 Feelings and impressions



People in different countries like eating different foods. Chinese like dumplings and noodles. Italians like pizza. Japanese like uncooked fish, and American is famous for its fast food in the world.

People in different countries eat foods in different ways. Chinese like eating with chopsticks. Westerners use knives and forks to eat. In some countries, people use nothing but their hands to eat.

Chinese people like talking when they are having dinner, but in some countries, it is not polite to talk at table.

It is very interesting, isn’t it?

M8 Around town

这是一幅你学校的平面图,请用简洁的语言介绍一下校园的布局,词数80左右。短文已给出,但不计入总词数,请你接着写下去。(flower bed 花坛;main主要的)

This is a map of my school. ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________



This is a map of my school. When you come into the school gate, you’ll see a tall teaching building in the middle of the school. There are two flower beds on both sides of the main road. On the left, there is a library building, and on the right is an office building. A big playground and a computer room are behind the teaching building. You can see many trees around the school. My school isn’t big, but it is very beautiful. I like having lessons here. I love my school very much.

M9 Animals in danger

根据内容要点提示用英文写一段文章,简要介绍一下中国的国宝(national treasure)——大熊猫(panda)。词数80左右。首句已给出,但不计入总词数。 产地:中国四川、甘肃等省份(province);

体貌特征:黑白相间毛皮 (black and white fur),大眼睛,圆耳朵,身体虽胖但动作敏捷(move nimbly),非常招人喜爱;




Pandas are China’s national treasure. ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Pandas are China’s national treasure. They live in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces and so on. They have black and white fur, big eyes and round ears. Although they are very fat, they can move nimbly. They are very cute and most people love them. They like eating bamboo best. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. They can climb trees and swim. A panda usually lives twenty-five years. There are only about 1,000 pandas in the world. We must try our best to protect them.

M10 Lao She Teahouse



(2)游览北京的名胜古迹,观看京剧(Beijing Opera),品尝美食,了解中国历史;






Dear Dad and Mum,

How’s it going? I hope you are in good health. I have been there in China for about a month, and I enjoy living here very much. I work and study with Chinese students. At weekends, I play different kinds of sports. Last week, I visited many places of interest in Beijing. They are really great. I saw Beijing Opera yesterday. I enjoy the delicious food here. Now I have known more about Chinese history. Hope to see you soon.



M11 The weather

你(Li Hua)的美国朋友Kathy打算来你市旅游。她想了一下你市东方海滩的情况,请根据一下信息,给她写一封信加以介绍。

参考词汇:East Beach 东方海滩 fine(细的);be suitable for 适合… dressing room更衣室


Dear Kathy,

I’m glad that you’ll travel to my city. Now let me tell you something about the East Beach. The East Beach is in the east of my city, 10 kilometers away. It’s one of the best beaches in the world. The sand there is fine, soft and clean. The best time to come here is in autumn. Because it’s neither too hot nor too cold. The water is clean, with small waves. It’s suitable for swimming and playing volleyball.

You can get to the beach easily. Many buses can take you there. You can take a taxi, too. There are toilets, dressing rooms and shops. I think you will have a wonderful time there. Welcome to East Beach!


Li Hua

M12 Traditional life


Dear Rose,

I like your programmes very much. I’m writing to ask you something about American social customs. My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I’m very happy and have decided to go, but I’m a bit worried about it. The social customs in my country are different from theirs, so I’m afraid of making some mistakes.

Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which knife an fork to use? How can I let the family know what I’m thankful for their kindness?


Xiao Ling


Dear Xiao Ling,

It’s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don’t know how to use the knife and fork, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have idea of what to do, ask for the people next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you should thank them for the dinner and for the kindness. It’s a good idea to call them for their kindness. Yours,


二 : 外研版八年级下英语作文预测





































三 : 2016年八年级英语上册Module 6导学案(外研版)

导学流程:同学们,在module5中,我们学习了动词不定式做宾语的功能。那么,动词不定式的语法功能还有哪些呢?让我们在本模块中一起探讨吧! 1.自主完成导学案(20分钟)2.展示反馈(20分钟)3.课堂总结(5分钟)


module 6 animals in danger

unit 1 it allows people to get closer to them



学习目标:  1. 知识目标:本单元的新词汇,不定式的用法(不定式做宾语补足语、主语、状语等情况) 2. 能力目标:能听懂谈论动物的对话;能谈论濒危动物的情况和动物保护。 3. 情感态度:增强环保意识,提高保护动物的自觉性一、预习准备
2.词汇预习效果检测:请翻译下列短语。 in danger _______________      at last_______________  in peace_______________        look after_______________think of_______________        take away_______________  in order to _______________     be interested in______________3. 导入:have a guessing game: 猜猜它们分别是什么动物?(p42 activity 1)二、听中说: 1.听听力,回答问题:(p42 activity 2) 1) what’s this week’s animal world about?2) what animals are in danger?三.听中学: 1.听对话回答问题。 a.)is betty more interested in wolong panda reserve?b.)do many animals have a safe place to live?2. 听、读对话,翻译短语: (1)卧龙大熊猫保护区__________________(2)靠近:亲近 ____________   (3)思考;考虑____________            (4)濒危动物_____________       (5) 需要做某事____________           (6)保护动物____________           (7)带走;抢占____________            (8)充足的净水____________    3.比一比,看哪组在对话中所找的含有动词不定式的句子最多。 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
 四、合作探究1、i am more interested to see the pandas in the wolong panda reserve.动词不定式可以在一些做表语的形容词后作状语,表原因、结果和目的等。结构形式: sb +be+形容词 +to do sth (表示某人对于某事的态度) 如:i am happy ____________(hear) that he won the first place in the painting match.2. 动词不定式作目的状语。如果表示“做某事是为了什么”,可以用动词不定式表示目的,作目的状语。e.g..dylan trained hard ___________ (improve) his basketball skills.3. because it allows people to get closer to them.to get closer to them在句中作宾语补足语,类似的结构有很多,例如:    ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事    need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事    want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事    allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人去做某事e.g. his father doesn’t allow him___________(play)football  before he finishing his homework.课文中还出现了这样一句话:many wild animals don’t have a safe place to live…  表示“有安全的居住地”。这里的不定式还是作宾语补足语吗?请同学们思考。to live放在名词place的后面做定语。4. …because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.   take away 表示“夺去,拿走”。代词要放在中间。e.g. please take away your things.请把你的东西拿走。    please tske _________ away. 请把它拿走。五. 反馈检测:(1)我有很多作业要做。__________________________   (2) we plan _______(visit) the great wall.   (3) it is sad ______(think) about the animals in danger.   (4) the boy went to the post office ______(send) a letter.   (5) i don’t know how i can do it. (同义句)    i don’t know how ________ _________ __________. 学生探究心得我的收获:_____________ _____________ _____________ 我的不足:_____________ _____________ _____________ 我努力的方向:_____________ _____________ _____________  同学们,你们知道我国的国宝是什么吗?那你知道大熊猫的现状及有关情况吗?让我们来看看unit2的文章吧。 1.自主完成导学案(20分钟)2.展示反馈(20分钟)3.课堂总结(5分钟)


module 6 animals in danger

unit 2 the wwf is working hard to save them all.



【教学目标】1、熟悉本课所学词汇2、动词不定式的应用功能。3、了解大熊猫的一些知识,学会保护动物。一、【课前准备】1、在课文中划出下列新词汇:research, southwest, produce, situation, government, symbol, feed. 注出音标和词义,并试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈出来。2、写出各段的中心大意  passage 1:                                            passage 2:                                            passage 3:                                          passage 4:                                           3、在课文中找出下列词组并翻译。in the wild                research centres                      produce more babies                get smaller                     lose their home                     in order to                   set up            nature park            feed the pandas           二、听录音阅读课文。(一) 迅速通读全文,回答问题: (1) how many pandas are there in the wild today? ______________________________          _ . (2) what’s the symbol of the wwf?  _________________________________. (二)分段阅读:    1. 读第一段,回答问题: 阅读策略:先看问题,后看文章,带着问题,迅速寻找有用信息。      (1) how many pandas are there in zoos and research centres today?        __________________________________________.       (2) what is the main idea of this paragraph?             a. help for pandas             b. pandas help other animals             c. the panda’s home             d. an animal in danger                                                                          
1. 读第二段,完成下列问题:(1)判断对错:       <1> the pandas live in the forests of northwest china. (    )       <2> pandas don’t have enough bamboo to eat. (    )       <3> the situation is very serious. (    ) (2) what is the main idea of this paragraph?(    )           a. help for pandas           b. pandas help other animals           c. the panda’s home           d. an animal in danger 3. 读第3段,完成下列问题:(1)连线:   <1> the government is working hard          a. to eat   <2> the pandas will have enough food         b. to live in   <3> the pandas will have enough places      c. to protect them (2) what is the main idea of this paragraph? (    )             a. nature parks for pandas             b. pandas help other animals             c. the panda’s home             d. an animal in danger 4. 读第4段,完成下列问题:      (1)what does the wwf work to do?           ___________________________________.   (2) what is the main idea of this paragraph? (    )             a. help for pandas             b. wwf and animals in danger             c. the panda’s home             d. an animal in danger 5. 将下列句子补充完整。(p45 activity3) 三、练一练。 1. please tell the children ______ in their homework on time.    a. to hand     b. hand          c. handing2. the doctor is helping the lady _____ her baby.    a. produce       b. create         c. feed3.  the sign is the ______ of danger. you must be careful.    a. research    b. situation     c. symbol 4. we all worked hard and _____ we found out what had really happened.    a. at first        b. by the way     c. at last          d. in fact 5. we should protect the animals _____  danger.    a. on     b. in     c. of       d. at学生探究心得我的收获:_____________ _____________ _____________ 我的不足:_____________ _____________ _____________ 我努力的方向:_____________ _____________ _____________

四 : 八年级英语下册短语汇总外研版

module 1

1.tidy up 整理,收拾         2. take up 占用        3. all the time 总是,一直

4.such as 比如       5.as well as 并且,还,也     6. come out 出版     7.as a result  结果       8.play the violin  弹小提琴 

9.spend …(in) doing sth =spend …on sth    花费做某事

10.mountain biking  山地自行车运动           11.be interested in  对…感兴趣

12.listen to sb do sth 听某人做某事              13.at the end of  在…的尽头

14.give an interview  接受采访                 15.make sb do sth  使某人做某事

16.collect =have a collection of  收集

module 2

1.hold the line 稍等            2.right now = at the moment现在

3.whether…or not 是否       4.by the way 顺便说说        5.in fact 事实上

6.a couple of 一对,几个        7.feel like 觉得            8.worry about 担心

9.at that moment 在那时        10.day by day 一天天地

11.at first 开始,首先          12.make friends with sb 与某人交朋友

13.take a message 捎口信       14.sometime next week 下周某一时刻

15.every time =each time每次  16.remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事

 17.remember to do sth 记得做某事       18.without a word没说一句话

19.some.. .others…一些…另一些          20.so that 以致

21.personal question 私人问题             22.close friend 亲密朋友

23.be different from与…不同              24.as usual 平常

25.be afraid to do sth = be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事

26.something bright and friendly 一些光明和友好的东西

27.start to do sth =start doing sth 开始做某事         28.close to 接近,靠近

29.smile at sb 对某人微笑      30.call back 回电     31.it doesn’t matter.没关系

module 3

1.look out for注意,小心            2.look out of  向…外看

3.don’t mention it.不用谢            4.look down (at) 向下看

5.ask for 想要           6.close down 关闭         7.the latest news 最新新闻

8.show sb around =take sb around 带某人去参观        9.come this way往这边来

10.keep doing sth 一直做某事                 11.stop talking 停止说话

12.stop to talk 停止去说话                  13.hate doing sth 讨厌做某事

14.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事                15.at the age of  在…岁时

16.would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事

17.need to do sth 需要做某事              18.decide to do sth 决定做某事

19.agree to do sth 同意做某事             20.try to do sth 试着做某事

21.try doing sth 尝试做某事               22.in person 亲自        

23.me,too. 我也是                  24.the end of the week = weekend周末          

25.it seems that 似乎,好象            26.the weekly programmes 周末节目       

27.explain sth to sb  向某人解释        28.once a week 一周一次             

29.twice a week 一周两次

module 4

1.turn on 开     2.turn off 关闭      3.come on 加油,过来,灯亮     4.take photos 照相    

5.take videos 拍摄       6.connect…to 把…连接到…    7.save one ’s life 救了某人的命

8.send sb sth = send sth to sb 把某物寄给某人   9.play back 回放 

10.video camera 摄像机           11.lend sb sth = lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人     12.press the button 按下按钮

13.pick it / them up 把它/他们捡起,拾起       14.bite sb on the hand 咬到某人的手

15.text a message 文本信息       16.on business 出差        17.on holiday 度假

18.get information 得到信息    19.send a message 发送信息   20.receive a postcard 收到明信片       

21.get to know 开始了解到          22.climb out of 从…爬出来     

23.take a photo of 给…照相         24.the next day 第二天

module 5

1.be able to = can 能,会      2.all together 一起      3.at the end of 在…的尽头

4.take off 起飞,脱下,那走,卸掉         5.at least至少        6.pocket money零用钱

7.after all 毕竟              8.help sb with sth = help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事

9.warn sb about sth 警告某人注意某事              10.hurry up赶快

11.warn sb (not)to do sth 警告某人不要做某事       12.be proud of 以…为骄傲

13.go wrong 出错,出问题                 14.be/get angry to sth生某事的气

15.be angry with sb = get angry with sb 生某人的气       16.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

17.send sb away 把某人赶走,开除    18.send sb to sp 派某人去某地     19.tell the truth 说实话                 

    20.make sure 确保,确定    21.too much time 太多时间    22.that’s a shame/pity. 太遗憾了

23.another chance 另一个机会    24.write to sb 写信给某人     25.answer to sb 回信给某人              

  26.use…for…用…做…     27.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事      28.truly sorry 真正抱歉

29.make mistakes犯错误      30.leave a virus 留下病毒        31.instead of 代替

32.on my way home 在我回家的路上            33.be good at = do well in 擅长于

34.feel sorry for 为…而感到歉抱     35.get into trouble with 与…有麻烦     36.beat sb打败某人

revision a

1.look forward to doing sth 期望做某事      2.a tv news reporter 一个电视新闻记者

3.the first to do sth 第一次做某事

module 6

1.think of 考虑,认为         2.talk about 谈论          3.the end of …的末尾

4.have to 不得不      5.plenty of 充足的,充分的      6.face to face with 与…面对面

7.be true to life贴近生活                  8.in one’s opinion 以某人的观点来看

9.too much +不”太多”       10.too many +复数”太多”         11.come out播映

12.other than = except for 除…之外             13.be awake 醒着

14.advise sb(not ) to do sth 建议某人(不要)做某事 

15.worry about = be worried about 担心           16.take place =happen 发生

module 7

1.protect the environment 保护环境        2.all over 遍及    3.may day holiday 五一假期     

4.shout at对…大喊           5.shout to 对…大喊           6.hurt oneself 伤者自己   

7.square kilometers平方千米       8.look like看起来象        9.as if仿佛,好像        

10.find out 找出              11.wake up叫醒,吵醒          12.point into 指向      

13.take a cable car乘坐缆车          14.pull leaves 摘叶子           15.cross the bridge 过桥        

16.suggest doing sth 建议做某事   17.hurt badly 受重伤  18.climb up 向上爬        

 19.put … away 把…收起来               20.make some noise制造噪音             

21.be famous for因…而出名   22.more than超过,多于   23.leave sb alone 把某人单独留下

24.time off放假.休假        25.the whole+单数        26.look after oneself 自己照顾自己

27.after a few minutes=a few minutes later 几分钟后

28.it is wrong to do sth 做某事是错误的           29.the + 序数词+最高级

module 8

1.labour day劳动节      2.stay with sb和某人在一起      3.take a vacation度假

4.have a one day off休一天的假                5.something special 一些特别的事

6.go camping去野营      7.have a picnic 去野炊      8.somewhere nice一些好地方

9.go to the beach去海滩          10.go back回来        11.have fun玩得开心

12.make resolutions 做决定,许愿望              13.help each other互相帮助

14.think about思考             15.the start of 开始             16.the end of 结尾

17.independence day 独立日             18.in the same way相同的方式

19.count down 倒数          20.get together聚会            21.a list of 一列

22.help out 帮助克服困难                   23.as soon as一…就…

24.depend on依靠,决定于,受…影响             25.mother’s day母亲节

26.shout loudly大声叫喊     27.write down写下      28.go out for a walk出去散步

29.wait for等候                 30.in times square在时代广场上

31.promise to do sth 发誓做某事       32.it is a time to do sth 是该做某事的时候了。

module 9

1.on one’ s own独自地           2.come up出现,发生

3.give one’ s life to doing sth /名词献身于         4.look forward to doing sth 期望做某事

5.take care of=look after照顾           6.so that 目的是         7.be good at善长于

8.save people  挽救人们             9.be born in  出生于

10.in the first world war在第一次世界大战中       11.stop to do sth 停止去做某事

12.stop doing sth 停止做某事       13.both…and…两者都        14.both of 两者都

15.invent new treatments发明新的治疗法         16.perform operations=operate动手术

17.in spite of尽管                       18.continue doing sth 继续做某事

19.during an operation在手术期间           20.in the end=at last最后

21.return to返回,归还                     22.open/start a school 开办一所学校

23.an excuse一个借口                     24.it is brave of sb 某人真勇敢

25.a kind thought 一个好的想法              26.in order to do sth 为了做某事

27.perform operations on sb 在某人身上动手术

module 10

1.take a train乘火车            2.by train乘火车         3.fill…with 装满,填满

4.go to college上大学              5.a 13-year-old boy 一个13岁的男孩

6.wash clothes洗衣服        7.have a fantastic time玩得开心         8.by boat 乘船   

9.be made of 由…做成          10.come back 回来         11.on business 出差      

12.something important一些重要事                 13.not…at all根本不,一点也不

14.see off送行          15.as easy as和…一样地容易        16.cook dishes做菜

17.so…that 如此…以致             18.perfect holiday完美假期

19.somewhere cool一些凉爽的地方           20.know little about几乎不了解

21.would like to do sth 想要做某事        22.fly to 飞往        23.stay in touch!保持联系

revision b       1.belong to 属于 2.to some extent 从某种程度上讲

五 : 八年级上册英语短语汇总(2017年新外研版)


            XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
module  1   how  to  learn  english
1. look up查;查找                                                                                         
2. make  a  mistake犯错误                                                                               
3. talk about谈论;讨论                                                                                    
4. speak  english讲英语                                                                                 
5. write down写下;记下                                                                                   


6. next  to在……旁边;紧挨着                                                                            
7. listen to the radio听广播                                                                                  
8. be good for对……有好处                                                                               
9. write to给……写信                                                                                    
10. a  little有点                                                                                         


11.agree with sb.同意某人                                                                                 
12. talk  to跟……交谈                                                                                    
13. send….to  sb.把……(发)送给某人                                                                       
14. ask  for请求(给予)                                                                                   
15. watch  films看电影                                                                                    


16. be  from来自                                                                                         
17. smile  at冲……微笑                                                                                 
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
18. go  to  bed去睡觉                                                                                    
19. get  up起床                                                                                          
20. think  about考虑                                                                                      


21. make  friends  with  sb.与某人交朋友                                                                   
22. take  sb. around带领某人参观……                                                                       
23. a  few几个;一些                                                                                     
24. invite  sb. to邀请某人到……                                                                           
25. be  good  at擅长                                                                                      
26. for  example例如                                                                                      


module  2  my  home  town and my country 
1. pretty  good相当好;很好                                                                           
2. in  fact事实上                                                                                   
3. in  the 1980s在20世纪80年代                                                                    
4. one  day有一天                                                                                   
5. come from来自                                                                                   


6. lots  of许多                                                                                      
7. be  famous  for以……而闻名                                                                      
8. part  of ……的一部分                                                                            
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
9. more than超过;多于                                                                                
10. on  the coast在海岸边                                                                           


11. in the east/south/west/north of…在……的东/南/西/北部                                                   
module  3  sports
1. sit down坐下                                                                                    
2. stay at home待在家里                                                                             
3. bad luck坏运气                                                                                  
4. watch tv看电视                                                                                 
5. lose matches输掉比赛                                                                             


6. next time下一次                                                                                  
7. be good at擅长                                                                                   
8. play against对抗                                                                                  
9. warm up热身;做准备活动                                                                          
10. be late for迟到                                                                                  


11. cheer on用欢呼声激励;为……加油                                                                  
12. keep fit保持健康                                                                                
13. get lost迷路                                                                                    
14. a minute ago一分钟之前                                                                            
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
15. plenty of许多                                                                                    


16. be ready for为……做好准备                                                                       
17. at weekends在周末                                                                               
18. in the countryside在乡村                                                                         
module  4  planes,  ships  and  trains 
1. by bike骑自行车                                                                                 
2. far from远离                                                                                    


3. road accident公路上的交通事故                                                                    
4. as well也                                                                                        
5. get crowded变得拥挤                                                                              
6. have a great trip旅途愉快                                                                           
7. take a plane乘飞机                                                                                 
module  5  lao  she  teahouse 


1. in the end最后,终于                                                                             
2.be famous for因……而出名                                                                          
3. would like想要                                                                                   
4.the beginning of……的开头                                                                           
5. send sb. to  sp.把某人送到某地                                                                     
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日


6.be named被命名为                                                                                 
7. give a warm welcome to热情欢迎… …                                                               
8. take place发生                                                                                    
module  6  animals  in  danger
1. in danger处于危险中                                                                               
2. be interested in对……感兴趣                                                                       
3. think of想起                                                                                      


4. take away拿走;带走                                                                              
5. look of to:照顾;照料                                                                                
6. find out找出;发现;查明                                                                             
7. many kinds of许多种                                                                              
8. set up建立;创立                                                                                  
module  7  a  famous  story 


1. fall down跌倒;掉下                                                                                 
2. in a tree在树上                                                                                  
3. tea party茶会                                                                                   
4. look at看……                                                                                    
5. once or twice偶尔                                                                                 


                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
6. nothing strang。没有什么奇怪的事                                                                 
7. think about考虑                                                                                   
8.go off(灯)熄灭;停〔电〕                                                                              
9.on  one's way to…在某人去……的路上                                                               
l0.be with sb.和某人在一起                                                                           


11. take the place of代替:接替                                                                         
12. so... that…如此……以至于……                                                                       
13. not as... as…不如……                                                                               
module  8  accidents
1. in time及时                                                                                      
2. fall off从……摔下                                                                                 


3. pay attention留意,注意                                                                            
4. side by side肩并肩                                                                                
5. all the time总是,时时刻刻                                                                       
6. climb out爬出来                                                                                  
7. pick up捡起                                                                                        
8. get worse变得更糟                                                                                  


9. in great pain处于巨大的痛苦中                                                                     
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
10. call people给人们打电话                                                                          
11. play music播放音乐                                                                              
12. take photos照相                                                                                 
13. look at看                                                                                        


14. start with以……开始                                                                             
15. make sure确定                                                                                  
16. next to在……旁                                                                                  
17. get hurt受伤                                                                                     
18. take off起飞                                                                                     


19. make a quick decision做出快速的决定                                                                 
module  9  population 
1. talk about谈论                                                                                    
2. such as例如                                                                                       
3. population increase人口增长                                                                       
4. make notes记笔记                                                                                
5. the population of china中国的人口                                                                      


6. one fifth五分之一                                                                                     
7. i can't believe it!我简直无法相信!                                                                   
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
8. 7 billion七十亿                                                                                  
9. hang on稍等                                                                                    
10. more than超过                                                                                 


11. close to靠近                                                                                    
12. not... any more不再                                                                              
13. local school当地的学校                                                                           
14. close down(永久)关闭,关停                                                                       
15. in fact事实上                                                                                   
16. all over the world全世界                                                                           


17. too much rubbish太多的垃圾                                                                      
18. for example例如                                                                                
module  10  the  weather
1. quite a lot相当多                                                                                
2. as well也                                                                                        
3. take photos照相;拍照                                                                             


4. all year round整年                                                                                 
5. compared to与……相比较                                                                          
6. from time to time有时;间或                                                                         
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
7. make sure务必                                                                                    
8. have to必须;不得不                                                                               


9. during the day在白天                                                                               
10. go to the mountains去爬山                                                                         
11. more than多于,超过                                                                            
12. pay for付款                                                                                    
module  11  way  of  life
1. a chess set一副国际象棋                                                                            
2.video gam。电子游戏                                                                              


3. do some cleaning打扫卫生                                                                          
4. bad luck倒霉                                                                                       
5. the spring festival春节                                                                               
6. get married结婚                                                                                      
7. for example例如                                                                                  


8. for the first time首次;初次                                                                           
9. shake hands握手                                                                                 
10. have afternoon tea喝下午茶                                                                         
11. light meal便餐;便饭                                                                              
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日
12. be different from与……不同                                                                         


13. each other互相                                                                                   
14. on time准时;按时                                                                                
15. look up查寻                                                                                     
16. at the age of在……岁时                                                                           
17. clean up打扫干净                                                                               


18. wash up洗刷;饭后洗餐具                                                                         
19. stay out待在户外;不回家                                                                           
20. can't wait to迫不及待                                                                            
21. make mistakes犯错;出错                                                                            
module  12  help 
1.broken glas、碎玻璃                                                                                 
2. first aid急救                                                                                      


3. medical help医疗救助                                                                             
4. at the bottom of在……底部                                                                         
5. in pain处在疼痛中                                                                               
6. first of all首先                                                                                  
7. find out查明                                                                                      
                 XX外语教研版(天津专用)八年级英语上册短语汇总      XX年   月   日


8. lift up抬起;提起                                                                                  
9. make sure确保;确认                                                                              
10. cover……with……  用……盖上……                                                                  
11. stay away from远离                                                                              
12. in an earthquake在地震中                                                                         
13. in short总之                                                                                    


14. jump out of从……跳出                                                                           
15. above all首要的是                                                                               
16. lie down躺下                                                                                    
17. in trouble在困境中,有麻烦                                                                         
18. because of由于                                                                                    
19. on ones way在路上                                                                                
20. run out of从……跑出来   
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