

发布时间:2018-01-27 所属栏目:mobydick

一 : mobydick

moby dick


This work tells the story of an extremely cunning and fearsome whale( called Moby Dick) which becomes the focus of fear and superstition among its pursuers.

? The novel begins with "Ishmael," our narrator, beginning

the story of how he came to set sail on the fateful whaling voyage that will concern most of the novel.

? Ishmael, feeling depressed , wants to escape by going

out to sea. he discovers the Pequod, an old-fashioned ship. He is accepted to go whale hunting with it.

? Ahab ,the captain of Pequod. After several days at sea,

Ishmael meets him. He is a fierce looking man with a white streak in his hair leading to a scar down the side of his face, and with one false leg made of ivory.

? Ahab does not talk to the men nearly at all until one

day he nails a piece of Spanish gold, announcing that whoever first spies a white whale (Moby Dick) will receive it as a reward.

? This white whale, called "Moby Dick" by Ahab, bit off his

leg on a previous voyage. It has became Ahab's

obsessional quarry and bitter adversary for many years .Ahab vows to revenge.

? The Pequod makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuse to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually ,Moby Dick appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it.

? They spend three successive days making attempts on Moby Dick’s life.

? On the first day the whale overturns a boat.

? On the second it swamps another.

? On the third day ,Ahab and his crew manage to plunge a harpoon(鱼叉) into it, The fiendish whale attacks the fragile whale boats with jaws and tail, eventually sinking the Pequod , and strangling(扼死) Ahab with his own harpoon-line .

? Only the narrator, who floats safely distant from the scene of carnage, survives and is rescued so that he can eventually tell the tale.

? Characters:

Biblical allusions :the character’s name

In Bible, is described as a king who turns vile, suggesting that the Ahab of this novel will be a similarly conflicted leader.

Ahab is an evil man having had someone killed so he could be king.

? Ahab

1. Tremendous overconfidence

They leads themselves to defy common sence and belive that ,like a god,they can enact their will and remain immune to the force of nature.

2. Monomania

The death of all sailors was the price of Ahab‘vegeance.

3. Humanity

Fighting for his own life


? Ishmael

---isolated from the society

1. the Biblical(圣经的)meaning of his name

"Ishmael"—the son of Abraham (亚伯拉罕)be cast off, derelict (被遗弃的人)

2. disappointed with the reality;

give up his normal life

"whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul;

whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouse..."


---be keen on voyaging and whale:

? Evidence:

He tells little about himself and his personal background, but he gives detailed descriptions about the boat he chose for voyaging. He mentions that the accraction from whale was the biggest motivaton driving him to sea. And when he is disappointed with the reality, going to sea is the only thing he wants to do.

? Ishmael

---Homosexuality or friendship


? Ishmael has a close relationship with Queequeg(魁魁格),another sailor,which is more than friendship.

they treat each other as company, and behave in a way

like couple.

? when they lie in one bed, they say that" spend our honeymoom in our mind."

? Ishmael

---personal growth


be puzzled by others' descriptions of whale(the caption & other sailors)

1.respects the whale after his own observations and understandings

2.he personalizes the whale

3.the only survior after Pequod(裴廊德号) sank built harmonious relationship with nature

? differences between 2 "Ishmael"


? the old: (the narrator)

---think nature override human;

---get insight into human's darkside

? the young: (the character)

---attracted to sea;

---be positive

? Moby Dick


1. graceful and peaceful in its natural habitat

---when an outside force interrupts the true course of nature, it becomes violent and brutal.

2. Intelligent and variable:

One of his favorite tricks in the book is to flee from hunters but suddenly turn to attack and destroy their open boats.

? Moby Dick

? The symbol of different things for different characters in the novel:

1.To Ishmael: a common white whale at first, after fighting, regard it as frightening and admirable

2. To Captain Ahab

The White Whale becomes the cause for all his pain, anger, hate, and even for the suffering of all human beings throughout time.

? Moby Dick

3. To other sailors

神奇的and rather like a seafaring whenever and whatever.

? themes

1. Search for truth and knowledge of the universe

the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of existence.

2. Individualism(loneliness and individualism causing disaster

and death)

3. Solipsism(唯我论)

4. A detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry

5. Denying the existence of God

6. Be against Racial discrimination

二 : mobydick

moby dick


This work tells the story of an extremely cunning and fearsome whale( called Moby Dick) which becomes the focus of fear and superstition among its pursuers.

? The novel begins with "Ishmael," our narrator, beginning

the story of how he came to set sail on the fateful whaling voyage that will concern most of the novel.

? Ishmael, feeling depressed , wants to escape by going

out to sea. he discovers the Pequod, an old-fashioned ship. He is accepted to go whale hunting with it.

? Ahab ,the captain of Pequod. After several days at sea,

Ishmael meets him. He is a fierce looking man with a white streak in his hair leading to a scar down the side of his face, and with one false leg made of ivory.

? Ahab does not talk to the men nearly at all until one

day he nails a piece of Spanish gold, announcing that whoever first spies a white whale (Moby Dick) will receive it as a reward.

? This white whale, called "Moby Dick" by Ahab, bit off his

leg on a previous voyage. It has became Ahab's

mobydick mobydick

obsessional quarry and bitter adversary for many years .Ahab vows to revenge.

? The Pequod makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuse to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually ,Moby Dick appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it.

? They spend three successive days making attempts on Moby Dick’s life.

? On the first day the whale overturns a boat.

? On the second it swamps another.

? On the third day ,Ahab and his crew manage to plunge a harpoon(鱼叉) into it, The fiendish whale attacks the fragile whale boats with jaws and tail, eventually sinking the Pequod , and strangling(扼死) Ahab with his own harpoon-line .

? Only the narrator, who floats safely distant from the scene of carnage, survives and is rescued so that he can eventually tell the tale.

? Characters:

Biblical allusions :the character’s name

In Bible, is described as a king who turns vile, suggesting that the Ahab of this novel will be a similarly conflicted leader.

mobydick mobydick

Ahab is an evil man having had someone killed so he could be king.

? Ahab

1. Tremendous overconfidence

They leads themselves to defy common sence and belive that ,like a god,they can enact their will and remain immune to the force of nature.

2. Monomania

The death of all sailors was the price of Ahab‘vegeance.

3. Humanity

Fighting for his own life


? Ishmael

---isolated from the society

1. the Biblical(圣经的)meaning of his name

"Ishmael"—the son of Abraham (亚伯拉罕)be cast off, derelict (被遗弃的人)

2. disappointed with the reality;

give up his normal life

"whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul;

mobydick mobydick

whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouse..."


---be keen on voyaging and whale:

? Evidence:

He tells little about himself and his personal background, but he gives detailed descriptions about the boat he chose for voyaging. He mentions that the accraction from whale was the biggest motivaton driving him to sea. And when he is disappointed with the reality, going to sea is the only thing he wants to do.

? Ishmael

---Homosexuality or friendship


? Ishmael has a close relationship with Queequeg(魁魁格),another sailor,which is more than friendship.

they treat each other as company, and behave in a way

like couple.

? when they lie in one bed, they say that" spend our honeymoom in our mind."

? Ishmael

---personal growth

mobydick mobydick


be puzzled by others' descriptions of whale(the caption & other sailors)

1.respects the whale after his own observations and understandings

2.he personalizes the whale

3.the only survior after Pequod(裴廊德号) sank built harmonious relationship with nature

? differences between 2 "Ishmael"


? the old: (the narrator)

---think nature override human;

---get insight into human's darkside

? the young: (the character)

---attracted to sea;

---be positive

? Moby Dick


1. graceful and peaceful in its natural habitat

---when an outside force interrupts the true course of nature, it becomes violent and brutal.

2. Intelligent and variable:

mobydick mobydick

One of his favorite tricks in the book is to flee from hunters but suddenly turn to attack and destroy their open boats.

? Moby Dick

? The symbol of different things for different characters in the novel:

1.To Ishmael: a common white whale at first, after fighting, regard it as frightening and admirable

2. To Captain Ahab

The White Whale becomes the cause for all his pain, anger, hate, and even for the suffering of all human beings throughout time.

? Moby Dick

3. To other sailors

神奇的and rather like a seafaring whenever and whatever.

? themes

1. Search for truth and knowledge of the universe

the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of existence.

2. Individualism(loneliness and individualism causing disaster

mobydick mobydick

and death)

3. Solipsism(唯我论)

4. A detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry

5. Denying the existence of God

6. Be against Racial discrimination

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1166847.html

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