
my day 英语作文-我的祖国英语作文:My China

发布时间:2018-02-25 所属栏目:关于祖国的作文

一 : 我的祖国英语作文:My China

我的祖国英语作文:My China                  
I come from china .my country is very beautiful .the spring is warm .But summer sometime is very hot. The autumn isn't hot,but isn't cold. The winter is pretty cold in north of my country.It will be snowy in Nost of my country winteir.

二 : 中考英语作文范文My Happiest Day

  My Happiest Day

  Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.  My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before.  I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.

  Evening came at last.  Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"

  At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!


三 : 中考英语作文范文 我高兴的一天 My Happiest Day

  Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.  My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before.  I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.

  Evening came at last.  Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"

  At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!


本文标题:my day 英语作文-我的祖国英语作文:My China
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1163346.html

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