

发布时间:2018-01-08 所属栏目:scarf的复数

一 : scarf的复数形式和用法例句





1. Jr. Tops Skirts Dress, Jacket, Denim Paints, Scarfs, Shawl Woven.

采购产品上衣,裙子,礼服, 夹克, 牛仔油漆, 围巾, 针织的披肩.

2. Fourth month, all children had their own red scarfs.

第四个月, 所有的孩子都有了红领巾.

3. So I like rings, scarfs and sunglasses.

所以我喜欢戒指 、 围巾和太阳镜.

4. My brother scarfs out everyday — around the clock!


5. She has two scarfs.


6. More hair Mohair is used in sweaters , scarfs , coats sweaters, scarves, coats and other clothing.

马海毛常用于制作毛衣 、 围巾 、 外套及其他衣物制品.

二 : scarf的复数形式



( )1. _______ useful the information he gave us is!

A. What an B. How an C. What D. How

( )2. ---Must I finish the project now?

---No, you ______. You _____do it this evening.

A.mustn’t; can B. needn’t; may C.can’t; must D.needn’t; must ( )3. The little boy ate a big meal _____he said he wasn’t hungry.

A.if B.though C.because D.as

( )4. ---- I wonder _____. ----Zebras.

A. what do they call these animals B. how they call these animals

C. What they call these animals D. how do they call these animals ( )5. — Do you know whether Mary will go there?

— I’m not sure. She says she will stay at home unless she __to the party.

A. is inviting B. invites C. was invited D. is invited

( )6. I like the film very much. It ____ me _____ the happiest days when I was young.

A. reminds; of B. reminds; to C. thinks; of D. helps; with

( )7. ----Where do you think _______the box? ----Anywhere you like.

A. can I put B. to put C. I can put D. putting

( )8. Simon ______walking ______jogging after super every day.

A 。(www.61k.com] prefers; than B. would rather; than

C. prefers; to D. would rather; to

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( )9. _____ more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed.

A. To prevent B. Prevented C. Stop D. Stopping

( )10. I don’t know _____ I should _____ with my broken computer.

A. how, do B. what, do C. how, to deal D. which, deal

( )11.China is ____ the east of Asia and _____ the west of Japan.

A. in, on B. in, to C. to, on D. on, to

( )12. ---What would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?

--- ______. Please give me a cup of tea.

A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None

( )13. --Wow! What a nice dress you are wearing!


A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Yes, it is. D. No,it‘s bad.

( )14. ---Have you worked out the problem?

---No, it is ______difficult for me.

A.much too B. too much C.much D. such

( )15.The Great Hall of the People is _________ talented actors, actresses and experts.

A. filled with B. full with C. filled of D. crowded of


Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents,They 1 that their parents don’t understand them,They often think their parents are too strict with them.

Parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust(信任)and they seem to forget how they themselves 2 when they were young.

For example,young people like to do things without much thinking. It’s one of their ways to 3 that they grow up and they can deal with any difficult things. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things 4 and don’t like their plans to be changed.

scarf的复数形式 scarf的复数形式

Young people often make their parents 5 by clothes they want,the music they enjoy and something else. But they don’t mean to cause(引起)any trouble. They just want to be 6 and they want to make a new culture(文化) of their own.

Sometimes you even don’t want your parents to say“ 7 ”to what you do. You want to stay at home and do what you like.

If you plan to control your 8 ,you’d better win your parents over and try to get them to 9 you. If your parents see that you have high sense of responsibility(责任),they will 10 give you the right(权利) to do what you want to do.

( )1.A.remember B.hope C.say D.know

( )2.A.thought B.wanted C.needed D.felt

( )3.A.show B.find C.see D.learn

( )4.A.first B.ahead C.late D.carelessly

( )5.A.happy B.sad C.angry D.helpful

( )6.A.polite B.helpful C.thoughtful D.different

( )7.A.Yes B.No C.Sorry D.Congratulations

( )8.A.work B.life C.study D.health

( )9.A.help B.love C.understand D.know

( )10.A.certainly B.just C.still D.already

三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year: the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.

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After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to spend a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.

( )1. In America a school year has ______.

A. three terms B. four terms C. two terms D. one term

( )2. Most American children begin to go to school when they are _____ years old.

A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

( )3. After high school, many students go to _____.

A. factories B. parks C. cities D. college

( )4. High school students take _____ subjects each term.

A. only nine or ten B. only one or two

C. only two or three D. only four or five

( )5. Many college students _____ after class.

A. go to a large college B. work for money

C. go to a small college D. give a lot of money


How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. It’s time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:

1. Shout out

If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire”! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.

2. Call 119

Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.

3. Keep down close to the floor

If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.

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4. Test the door

Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

5. Get out

If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.

6. Don’t use the lift

Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.

7. Don’t go back

Never go back into a burning building!

( )6.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. how to look after yourself when on fire

B. what to do when you are caught in a fire

C. when to leave the burning place

D. why to call 119 when it is on fire

( )7. When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out?

A. Call for help as quickly as you can. B. Wake your parents up fast.

C. Shout out “Fire!” as loudly as you can. D. Run as fast as you can.

( )8. Why shouldn’t you use the lift when fire breaks out?

A. Because taking the lift is so slow. B. Because the fire can burn you.

C. Because the lift may keep you safe. D. Because the lift may not work.

( )9. When a fire is burning, you test the door to ______.

A. find a better way out B. notice the fire clearly

C. call for a much quicker help D. see it is closed

( )10.If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should ______.

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A. not go back B. keep down close to the floor

C. not get out D. try your best to leave


① A new Long March(长征)

Twenty-one people from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland(大陆)began a new Long March on October 15. They will walk about 8,000 kilometres from Ruijin, Jiangxi to Wuqi, Shanxi. They hope to get 20.2 million yuan to build 101 schools and help poor children go back to school. They hope to finish the march by August 16, 2005.

② A large book

NBA star Yao Ming’s English autobiography(自传)will come out in New York, US, this month. It is called Yao: A life in Two Worlds. It talks about his first year in the NBA. Yao wrote it with a US reporter.

③ The football team

The Chinese under-17 football team is No. 1 in Asia. They won the Asian U-17 Championship(亚洲U-17锦标赛)in Japan on Saturday. They beat the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)by 1:0. After 85 minutes, Wang Weilong got the only goal. They took the cup for the first time in 12 years.

④ Liu leaves China

Chinese actor Liu Ye left for the US on Monday to make a film called Meteor(《流星》)。[www.61k.com] He is going to act with the Hollywood film star Meryl Streep. His former(以前的)classmate Zhang Ziyi sent Liu a message to encourage him. Liu was worried about his English, and worked hard on it before he left. People know him from films like last year’s “Mei Ren Cao”。

( )11. From the first piece of news, we know that the twenty-one people began a new Long March to ______.

A. travel around China

B. visit some schools

C. teach poor children

D. get some money and help poor children go back to school

( )12. From the second piece of news, which of the following is TRUE?

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A. The book is about all the years of Yao Ming in the USA.

B. The book was written by Yao and a US reporter.

C. Yao Ming’s autobiography in Chinese will come out in New York.

D. The book was written by Yao Ming himself only.

( )13. The third piece of news tells us ______.

A. the Chinese under-17 football team won the world championship

B. Korea held this contest

C. the Chinese under-17 football team won the championship for the first time in 12years

D. the Chinese football team is No. 1 in South-East Asia

( )14. From the fourth piece of news, we can conclude(推断)that ______.

A. Liu Ye was weak in English before

B. Zhang Ziyi encouraged Liu Ye to work hard on English

C. Liu Ye was known by many people only because of the film “Mei Ren Cao”

D. Liu Ye has gone to join Hollywood

( )15. Which of the paragraphs is NOT about sports? ______

A. The 1st B. The 2nd C. The 3rd D. The 4th and the 1st

四、单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A.根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意, 写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形


1. The boy is (自私)。 He never shares his things with others.

2. The young man made a (决定) after he thought it over.

3. When he saw the right answer, he (认识到) he had made a mistake.

4. Can you make (空间) for the old man?

5. We mustn’t be (满足的) with such a small success.

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1. The more we know the world, the more (success) we will be.

2. Daniel is a famous swimmer. He has (power) arms and legs.

3. He (rub) his hands with the soap and then began to have dinner.

4. There is some (difficult) in getting everybody here on time.

5. We all cheered when we heard the (excite) news.

五、动词填空 (共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)

1. We all know that a year (divide) into four seasons.

2. “Hero” is an ancient costume film______(direct) by Zhang Yimou.

3. China succeeded in ______(send) up Shengzhou Ⅵ spaceship on October 12,2005.

4. They (quarrel) with each other since last night.

5. Kids don’t know how __(achieve) a balance between work and play 。

6. Shakespeare devoted his lifetime to ______________ (write)plays 。

六、主观性阅读题 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



Tuesday, 22nd March, 2005

Dear Michael and Lisa,

You’re invited to a farewell(告别)party for the “ZHAO FAMILY’S VISIT TO AUSTRALIA”。 Departure(出发)date:29th of March

The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face-to-face with crocodiles, dolphins, kangaroos and other Australian wild animals. We have always wanted to do this.

Party given by: Mr and Mrs Zhao, Zhao Wei and Zhao Ming

Date: Saturday, 26th March

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Time: 2:30 p.m. -6:30p.m.

Place: The Golden Great Wall Hotel

Reply by: Friday, 25th March

Phone: 6738626

Food and drinks will be provided at the party.

This party is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!

1. Who was the invitation sent by?


2. By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?


3. What will the Zhao family see most of all on their trip to Australia? ________________________________________________

4. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “come face-to-face with”? ________________________________________________

5. Why will the party be held?


七、句子翻译 (共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)








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八、书面表达 (共1小题;满分15分)

针对中学生目前压力大的心理状态,你们班就“中学生的烦恼”进行了一次调查。请根据下面的调查结果写一篇调查报告。字数80个左右(不包括所给的两段的开头)。参考下列单词和短语:half of, most of, a few,

Troubles: too much homework 50%, exam results 80%, good friends arguing 10%, not enough money 5%

Ways to deal with troubles: talk to friends 70%, listen to music15%, talk to parents 5%, read books 5%, play sports 5%

One possible version for writing:

Today we did a survey about the troubles we students face in our class. The results show the problems we have.





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三 : scarf的复数形式



( )1. _______ useful the information he gave us is!

A. What an B. How an C. What D. How

( )2. ---Must I finish the project now?

---No, you ______. You _____do it this evening.

A.mustn’t; can B. needn’t; may C.can’t; must D.needn’t; must ( )3. The little boy ate a big meal _____he said he wasn’t hungry.

A.if B.though C.because D.as

( )4. ---- I wonder _____. ----Zebras.

A. what do they call these animals B. how they call these animals

C. What they call these animals D. how do they call these animals ( )5. — Do you know whether Mary will go there?

— I’m not sure. She says she will stay at home unless she __to the party.

A. is inviting B. invites C. was invited D. is invited

( )6. I like the film very much. It ____ me _____ the happiest days when I was young.

A. reminds; of B. reminds; to C. thinks; of D. helps; with

( )7. ----Where do you think _______the box? ----Anywhere you like.

A. can I put B. to put C. I can put D. putting

( )8. Simon ______walking ______jogging after super every day.

A 。 prefers; than B. would rather; than

C. prefers; to D. would rather; to

( )9. _____ more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed.

A. To prevent B. Prevented C. Stop D. Stopping

( )10. I don’t know _____ I should _____ with my broken computer.

A. how, do B. what, do C. how, to deal D. which, deal

( )11.China is ____ the east of Asia and _____ the west of Japan.

A. in, on B. in, to C. to, on D. on, to

( )12. ---What would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?

--- ______. Please give me a cup of tea.

A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None

( )13. --Wow! What a nice dress you are wearing!


A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Yes, it is. D. No,it‘s bad.

( )14. ---Have you worked out the problem?

---No, it is ______difficult for me.

A.much too B. too much C.much D. such

( )15.The Great Hall of the People is _________ talented actors, actresses and experts.

A. filled with B. full with C. filled of D. crowded of


Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents,They 1 that their parents don’t understand them,They often think their parents are too strict with them.

Parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust(信任)and they seem to forget how they themselves 2 when they were young.

For example,young people like to do things without much thinking. It’s one of their ways to 3 that they grow up and they can deal with any difficult things. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things 4 and don’t like their plans to be changed.

Young people often make their parents 5 by clothes they want,the music they enjoy and something else. But they don’t mean to cause(引起)any trouble. They just want to be 6 and they want to make a new culture(文化) of their own.

Sometimes you even don’t want your parents to say“ 7 ”to what you do. You want to stay at home and do what you like.

If you plan to control your 8 ,you’d better win your parents over and try to get them to 9 you. If your parents see that you have high sense of responsibility(责任),they will 10 give you the right(权利) to do what you want to do.

( )1.A.remember B.hope C.say D.know

( )2.A.thought B.wanted C.needed D.felt

( )3.A.show B.find C.see D.learn

( )4.A.first B.ahead C.late D.carelessly

( )5.A.happy B.sad C.angry D.helpful

( )6.A.polite B.helpful C.thoughtful D.different

( )7.A.Yes B.No C.Sorry D.Congratulations

( )8.A.work B.life C.study D.health

( )9.A.help B.love C.understand D.know

( )10.A.certainly B.just C.still D.already

三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year: the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.

After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to spend a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.

( )1. In America a school year has ______.

A. three terms B. four terms C. two terms D. one term

( )2. Most American children begin to go to school when they are _____ years old.

A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

( )3. After high school, many students go to _____.

A. factories B. parks C. cities D. college

( )4. High school students take _____ subjects each term.

A. only nine or ten B. only one or two

C. only two or three D. only four or five

( )5. Many college students _____ after class.

A. go to a large college B. work for money

C. go to a small college D. give a lot of money


How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. It’s time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:

1. Shout out

If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire”! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.

2. Call 119

Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.

3. Keep down close to the floor

If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.

4. Test the door

Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

5. Get out

If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.

6. Don’t use the lift

Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.

7. Don’t go back

Never go back into a burning building!

( )6.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. how to look after yourself when on fire

B. what to do when you are caught in a fire

C. when to leave the burning place

D. why to call 119 when it is on fire

( )7. When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out?

A. Call for help as quickly as you can. B. Wake your parents up fast.

C. Shout out “Fire!” as loudly as you can. D. Run as fast as you can.

( )8. Why shouldn’t you use the lift when fire breaks out?

A. Because taking the lift is so slow. B. Because the fire can burn you.

C. Because the lift may keep you safe. D. Because the lift may not work.

( )9. When a fire is burning, you test the door to ______.

A. find a better way out B. notice the fire clearly

C. call for a much quicker help D. see it is closed

( )10.If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should ______.

A. not go back B. keep down close to the floor

C. not get out D. try your best to leave


① A new Long March(长征)

Twenty-one people from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland(大陆)began a new Long March on October 15. They will walk about 8,000 kilometres from Ruijin, Jiangxi to Wuqi, Shanxi. They hope to get 20.2 million yuan to build 101 schools and help poor children go back to school. They hope to finish the march by August 16, 2005.

② A large book

NBA star Yao Ming’s English autobiography(自传)will come out in New York, US, this month. It is called Yao: A life in Two Worlds. It talks about his first year in the NBA. Yao wrote it with a US reporter.

③ The football team

The Chinese under-17 football team is No. 1 in Asia. They won the Asian U-17 Championship(亚洲U-17锦标赛)in Japan on Saturday. They beat the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)by 1:0. After 85 minutes, Wang Weilong got the only goal. They took the cup for the first time in 12 years.

④ Liu leaves China

Chinese actor Liu Ye left for the US on Monday to make a film called Meteor(《流星》)。 He is going to act with the Hollywood film star Meryl Streep. His former(以前的)classmate Zhang Ziyi sent Liu a message to encourage him. Liu was worried about his English, and worked hard on it before he left. People know him from films like last year’s “Mei Ren Cao”。

( )11. From the first piece of news, we know that the twenty-one people began a new Long March to ______.

A. travel around China

B. visit some schools

C. teach poor children

D. get some money and help poor children go back to school

( )12. From the second piece of news, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The book is about all the years of Yao Ming in the USA.

B. The book was written by Yao and a US reporter.

C. Yao Ming’s autobiography in Chinese will come out in New York.

D. The book was written by Yao Ming himself only.

( )13. The third piece of news tells us ______.

A. the Chinese under-17 football team won the world championship

B. Korea held this contest

C. the Chinese under-17 football team won the championship for the first time in 12years

D. the Chinese football team is No. 1 in South-East Asia

( )14. From the fourth piece of news, we can conclude(推断)that ______.

A. Liu Ye was weak in English before

B. Zhang Ziyi encouraged Liu Ye to work hard on English

C. Liu Ye was known by many people only because of the film “Mei Ren Cao”

D. Liu Ye has gone to join Hollywood

( )15. Which of the paragraphs is NOT about sports? ______

A. The 1st B. The 2nd C. The 3rd D. The 4th and the 1st

四、单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A.根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意, 写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形


1. The boy is (自私)。 He never shares his things with others.

2. The young man made a (决定) after he thought it over.

3. When he saw the right answer, he (认识到) he had made a mistake.

4. Can you make (空间) for the old man?

5. We mustn’t be (满足的) with such a small success.


1. The more we know the world, the more (success) we will be.

2. Daniel is a famous swimmer. He has (power) arms and legs.

3. He (rub) his hands with the soap and then began to have dinner.

4. There is some (difficult) in getting everybody here on time.

5. We all cheered when we heard the (excite) news.

五、动词填空 (共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)

1. We all know that a year (divide) into four seasons.

2. “Hero” is an ancient costume film______(direct) by Zhang Yimou.

3. China succeeded in ______(send) up Shengzhou Ⅵ spaceship on October 12,2005.

4. They (quarrel) with each other since last night.

5. Kids don’t know how __(achieve) a balance between work and play 。

6. Shakespeare devoted his lifetime to ______________ (write)plays 。

六、主观性阅读题 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



Tuesday, 22nd March, 2005

Dear Michael and Lisa,

You’re invited to a farewell(告别)party for the “ZHAO FAMILY’S VISIT TO AUSTRALIA”。 Departure(出发)date:29th of March

The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face-to-face with crocodiles, dolphins, kangaroos and other Australian wild animals. We have always wanted to do this.

Party given by: Mr and Mrs Zhao, Zhao Wei and Zhao Ming

Date: Saturday, 26th March

Time: 2:30 p.m. -6:30p.m.

Place: The Golden Great Wall Hotel

Reply by: Friday, 25th March

Phone: 6738626

Food and drinks will be provided at the party.

This party is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!

1. Who was the invitation sent by?


2. By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?


3. What will the Zhao family see most of all on their trip to Australia? ________________________________________________

4. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “come face-to-face with”? ________________________________________________

5. Why will the party be held?


七、句子翻译 (共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)



















八、书面表达 (共1小题;满分15分)

针对中学生目前压力大的心理状态,你们班就“中学生的烦恼”进行了一次调查。请根据下面的调查结果写一篇调查报告。字数80个左右(不包括所给的两段的开头)。参考下列单词和短语:half of, most of, a few,

Troubles: too much homework 50%, exam results 80%, good friends arguing 10%, not enough money 5%

Ways to deal with troubles: talk to friends 70%, listen to music15%, talk to parents 5%, read books 5%, play sports 5%

One possible version for writing:

Today we did a survey about the troubles we students face in our class. The results show the problems we have.





四 : 英文单词“scarf”的复数形式是什么?




scarfs 和 scarves 都是其复数形式.两者用哪个都可以.下面的解释中表示的很明白.




围巾; 头[肩]巾

领巾; 领带









外皮,表皮 (尤指指甲角质层)



五 : "scarf"为什么会有两种复数形式








围巾; 头[肩]巾

领巾; 领带









外皮,表皮 (尤指指甲角质层)






无标题页 ...gloves 手套(复数) scarfs 围巾(复数) winter 冬天 ...




red scarfs 红领巾

Scarfs Etc 围巾等

Buy Scarfs 印度

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1145353.html

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