

发布时间:2017-08-16 所属栏目:马腾飞

一 : 马腾飞








作者 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺;

作者单位 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度 关键词 钢坯修磨; 力控制系统; 神经网络; 自适应控制; 非线性系统;



【作者单位】: 浙江大学 浙江大学 西安交通大学 西安交通大学

【关键词】: 钢坯修磨 自适应控制 控制系统





4.钢坯修磨 恒力磨削

【摘要】: 钢坯修磨是钢坯进行轧制之前,采用砂轮磨削技术,清除钢坯表面的氧化皮缺陷和裂纹,以保证钢材成品最终质量和提高成才率的必备条件。由于钢坯表面不平,因此在修磨过程中,为了使砂轮能够适应钢坯表面起伏不平的变化,要求钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统具有良好的跟随性。目前,钢坯修磨机存在的主要问题之一就是,砂轮加载系统的跟随性较差,远不能满足高性能修磨机的要求。而且目前,国内大部分修磨机仍采用落后的压下加载技术。本文对重载钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统进行了深入的理论研究和试验研究。主要工

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作和结论如下: 1.对钢坯修磨机砂轮加载机构进行了受力分析。[www.61k.com]分析表明该加载机构具有严重的非线性和时变特性。讨论了影响砂轮修磨压力变化的因素,提出了稳定修磨压力的方法。 2.对砂轮加载系统的几种电液加载方式进行了比较,首次在钢坯修磨机上采用比例三通减压阀加载系统,对系统的动态特性进行了深入的理论分析。建立了这加载系统的数学模型,同时,还 进行了大量的仿真研究和试验研究,一提出了一改善跟随特性的措 施。为钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统提供了一种新的加载方式。

【关键词】:钢坯修磨 恒力磨削 电液比例系统 三通比例减压阀




作者】 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺;

【机构】 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室;

【摘要】 首次将神经网络非线性自适应控制方法应用于钢坯修磨机恒力加载系统, 显著改善了系统的跟随特性。试验结果表明:该方法不仅能够提高系统输入阶跃的响应时间,而且对系统未知的外加干扰、系统参数时变特性和非线性有较强的自适应能力。 更多还原

【关键词】 钢坯修磨; 力控制系统; 神经网络; 自适应控制; 非线性系统;


【作者】 贾晓刚;

【作者单位】 太钢初轧厂;

【文献出处】冶金设备 , Metallurgical Equipment, 编辑部邮箱 1986年 03期

期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊

【中文关键词】磨头; 修磨机; 砂轮座;

【摘要】一、前言 钢坯修磨机是钢铁厂中处理钢坯表面缺陷的装置,是重要的冶金设备之一。 由于不锈钢坯的表面常存在折迭、脱碳层、飞边、裂纹和氧化铁皮等,必须在加热前使用钢坯修磨机把这些缺陷去掉,以保证产品的质量。使用砂轮修磨能在同一台设备上用于金属表面缺陷层的剥皮和局部清除缺陷,以最小的金属损耗对轧材弯曲度仿形,得到高质量的表面,并能降低消耗和合理改善不锈钢的质量。砂轮修磨具有效率高、质量好、成本低,易于自动化和组成自动线进行高效率生产等优点。因此,在现代化的不锈钢生产中,在精轧前都要修磨板坯,清除缺陷以保证产品质量,业已成为不锈钢产品工艺中必不可少的环节

【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:YJSB.0.1986-03-005


关键词: 钢坯修磨机 液压压下系统 AMESim 复合控制

中文文摘信息 介绍了钢坯修磨机磨头液压压下系统的工作原理,提出压下过程中采用位置、压力复合控制,提高了工作效率。针对砂轮位置扰动引起的多余惯性力,及其磨头自身重力、摩擦力和惯性力对修磨力的影响,采用三通比例减压阀开环控制压力,系统压力波

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第一作者 宁振雷


记录标识 KJ66bc2de4-4ffe-4df6-b7b4-9e3ce675068f








【摘要】:首次将神经网络非线性自适应控制方法应用于钢坯修磨机恒力加载系统, 显著改善了系统的跟随特性。试验结果表明:该方法不仅能够提高系统输入阶跃的响应时间,而且对系统未知的外加干扰、系统参数时变特性和非线性有较强的自适应能力。

【作者单位】:西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室

【关键词】:钢坯修磨 力控制系统 神经网络 自适应控制 非线性系统



作者 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺; 丁崇生;

作者单位 西安工业学院; 西安交通大学;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度 关键词 转速调节; 电液比例控制; 静液传动;

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作者:沙道航[1] 李新忠[2]

关键词:泵-马达系统 转速调节 钢坯修磨 电液比例控制


机构:[1]浙江大学 [2]西安交通大学

摘要 钢坯修磨砂轮转速电液比例变量泵马达调节系统的研究第六图书馆本文介绍了钢坯修磨砂轮转速电泫比例变量泵马达调节系统,分析了其静态特性和控制器设计。(www.61k.com]本文介绍了钢坯修磨砂轮转速电泫比例变量泵马达调节系统,分析了其静态特性和控制器设计。


期刊 QCode : tgjs200703015


作者: 占磊,

关键词: 修磨机, 表面缺陷, 修磨效率,

<特钢技术>>2007年 第13卷 第03期


沙道航[1] 葛思华[2]

[1]浙江大学 [2]西安交通大学

摘 要:



作者 沙道航; 杨华勇; 葛思华; 何钺;

作者单位 浙江大学; 西安交通大学;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度

马腾飞 马腾飞

关键词 钢坯修磨; 伺服控制; 动态刚度


作者:沙道航 葛思华

关键词:强力磨削 钢坯 修磨 金属切除率


摘要 影响钢坯修磨因素初探第六图书馆强力磨削钢坯修磨金属切除率西安工业学院学报沙道航葛思华不详1994第六图书馆




摘要: 介绍了一种新型的并联式钢坯修磨机器人机构,并对其运动学和动力学进行了分析和计算,给出了它们的显示解.在对修磨轨迹的规划中,采用四次多项式曲线和回旋曲线.最后结合一个实际例子进行了计算机仿真

关键词: 并联机器人 动力学 轨迹规划 计算机仿真


作者:胡明 蔡光起


关键词:钢坯修磨 并联机器人 机器人


摘要 一种并联机器人钢坯局部缺陷自动修磨系统第六图书馆钢坯缺陷修磨是保证轧材质量的重要工序



【摘要】: 我国自己设计的 YLMI——1型钢坯修磨机,最近由苏州冶金机械厂,东北工学院、上钢五厂等单位联合研制成功。[www.61k.com]八月二十日至二十二日,冶金部在苏州冶金机械厂召开现场会,对钢坯修磨机试验机组予以肯定。钢坯修磨作业是提高钢材质量的重要关键,也是当前国内各特殊钢厂迫切需要解决的一项工艺课题。我国长期以来,基本上依靠人工用手提砂轮修磨钢坯,生产效率低,质量难保证,而且环境污染严重。过去,我国曾从国外引进过一些钢

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【关键词】:钢坯修磨 冶金机械 研制成功 试验机 生产效率 工学院 苏州 砂轮 冶金部 工艺课


【正文快照】:我国自己设计的YLM工—1型钢坯修磨机,最近由苏州冶金机械!-上钢五厂等单位联气研掣应功东马匕工学院、。八月二十日至二十二日,冶金部在洲州冶金机械厂召开现场会,对钢坯修磨机试验机组子以肯定。 钢坯修磨作业是提篙钢材成髦的重要失键,也是当前国内各特殊姗厂迫切需要解决


关键字:系统 试验 研究 plc 闭环控制 钢坯 压下

plc闭环控制钢坯修磨机磨头压下系统试验研究 收藏此文

全部作者 : 宁振雷 权龙

第一作者单位 : 太原理工大学机械电子工程研究所

论文摘要 : 针对砂轮位置扰动引起的多余惯性力,及其磨头自身重力、摩擦力和惯性力对系统输出力的影响,采用开环控制,系统压力波动较大的问题,提出在三通比例减压阀控制压力的基础上叠加闭环控制的方法进行改进。研制了以可编程控制器(plc)为核心的磨头压下控制系统,压下过程中采用位置、压力复合控制,提高了工作效率。引入带积分分离的增量式pid控制器,闭环控制压力,实现了对磨头压下力的精确控制,使该系统在位置扰动下能够保持良好的跟随特性,满足了性能要求,并已成功应用于国产mg215-h5板坯修磨机上。 关键词 : 钢坯修磨机;液压压下系统;plc;闭环控制;pid


论文作者 沙道航著

关键词 钢坯修模 恒力磨削



Hydraulic System

There are only three basic methods of transmitting power:Electrical,mechanical.and fluid power.Most applications actually use a combination of the

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three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system.To properly determine which principle method to use。(www.61k.com)it is important to know the salient features of each type.For example,fluid systems call transmit power more economically Over greater distances than Can mechanical types.However。fluid systems are restricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.

Hydraulic power transmission system ale concerned with the generation, modulation, and control of pressure and flow and ,and in general such systems include:

1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulic power at the actuator.

2.Valves which control the direction of pump--flow,the level of power produced,and the amount of fluid一一flow to the actuators.The power level is determined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.

3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power Output at the point required.

4.The medium,which is a liquid,provides rigid transmission and control as well as 1ubrication of component s,sealing in valves.and cooling of the system.

5.Connectors which link the various system components,provide power conductors for the fluid under pressure,and fluid flow return to tank(reservoir). .

6、Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality and quantity as well as cooling of the fluid.

7、pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject。a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic

Hydraulic systems ale used in industrial applications such as stamping presses,steel mills,and general manufacturing,agricultural machines,mining industry,aviation,space technology,deep—sea exploration, transportation,marine technology,and offshore gas and petroleum exploration.In short,very few people get through a day of their 1ives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics2.

The principle of electrical-discharge machining also called electro is or spark-erosion machining, is based on the erosion of metals by spark discharges. We know that when two current-conduct in wires are allowed to touch each other, an arc is produced. If we look closely at the point of contact between the two wires, we note

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that a small portion of the metal has been eroded away, leaving a small crater.

The basic EDM system consists of a shape tool and the workpiece, connected to a dc power supply and placed in a dielectric fluid this is one of the most widely used machining processes, particularly for die-sinking operations when the potential difference between the tool and the work piece is sufficiently high, a transient spark discharges through the fluid, removing a very small amount of metal from the work piece surface.

The capacitor discharge is repeated at rates of between 50,with voltages usually ranging between 50vand 380v and currents from 0.1A to 500A.

Mechanical control includes cams and governors. Although they have been used for the control of very complex machines, to be cost effectively, today they are used for simple and fixed-cycle task control. Some automated machines, such as screw machines, still use cam-based control. Mechanical control is difficult to manufacture and is subject to wear.

Pneumatic control is still very popular for certain applications. It uses compressed air, valves, and switchs to construct simple control logic, but is easily slow. Because standard compaonents are used to construct the logic, it is easier to build than a mechanical control . Pneumatic control parts are subject to wear.

As does a mechanical control, an electromechanical control uses switches, relays, times counters, and so on, to construct logic, it is faster and more flexible. The controllers using electromechanical control are called relay devices.

The values in the express the relative tool distance from the home position. This distance is shown in the relative or incremental coordinates, U and W.

when reading the values in the not possible to know directly how far the tool is from the part origin. Just how far it is from the home position. mounted on exhaust ports of air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high—speed airborne particles.The sign of the coordinates is zero or negative because the tool cannot move farther than the machine origin . thus at present , the values are zero so the tool is at the home position. The values in the are normally used when setting up the tools in order to find the real tool distances from the part origin.

The values in the absolute position express the absolute tool distance from the part origin. This distance is shown in shown in absolute coordinates, x and z .the sign may be positive or negative, depending on the quadrants in which the tool is moving.

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because of the compressibility of air,

it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems.also,precise positioning control is not obtainable.While pneumatic pressures are quite so far is to good. This is an important piece of information for the operator when maching, since any value in the absolute position is directly related to the part.

The secret of hydraulic system’s SUCCESS and widespread use is its versatility and manageability.Fluid power is not hindered by the geometry operations when the potential difference between the tool and the work piece is sufficiently high, a transient spark discharges through the fluid, removing a very small amount of metal from the work piece of the machine as is the ease in mechanical systems.Also,power can be transmitted in almost limitless quantities because fluid systems are not so limited by the physical 1imitations of materials as are the electrical systems.For example,the performance of an electromagnet is limited by The saturation limit of steel.On the other hand,the power limit of fluid systems is 1imited only by the strength capacity of the material.

In the express the relative tool distance from the home position. This distance is shown in the relative or incremental coordinates, U and W. when reading the values in the not possible to know directly how far the tool is from the part origin.

Just how far it is from the home position. The sign of the coordinates is zero or negative because the tool cannot move farther than the machine origin . thus at present , the values are zero so the tool is at the home position. The values in the are normally used when setting up the tools in order to find the real tool distances from the part origin.

Industry is going to depend more and more on automation in order to increase productivity.This includes remote and direct control of production operations,manufacturing processes。(www.61k.com]and materials handling.

Fluid power is the muscle of automation because of advantages in the following four major categories.

1.Ease and accuracy of contr01.By the use of Simple levers and push but tons,the operator of a flu id power system Call readily start,stop,speed up or slow down,and position forces which provide any desired horsepower With tolerances as precise as one ten—thousandth Of an inch.Fig.13—1 shows a fluid power system which allows all aircraft pilot to raise and lower his landing gear.When the pi lot moves a

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small contr01 valve in one direction,oil under pressure flows to one end of the cylinder to lower the landing gear.To retract the landing gear,the pilot

moves the valve lever in the opposite direction,a110wlng 0il to flow into the other end of the cylinder.

2.Multiplication of force. A fluid power system(without using cumbersome gears,pulleys,and levers)Can multiply forces Simply and efficiently from a fraction of an ounce to several hundred tons of output.

3.Constant force or torque.Only fluid power systems are capable of providing constant force or torque regardless of speed changes.This is accomplished whether the work output moves a few inches per hour,several hundred inches per minute,a few revolutions per hour.or thousands of

revolutions per minute.

4.Simplicity,safety,economy.general,fluid power systems use fewer moving parts than

comparable mechanical or electrical systems.

Thus,they ale simpler to maintain and operate.This,in turn,maximizes safety,compactness,and reliability.For example,a new power steering contr01 designed has made all other kinds of power systems obsolete on many

off—highway vehicles.The Steering unit consists of a manually operated directional control valve and meter in a single body.transportation,marine technology,and offshore gas and petroleum exploration.In short,very few people get through a day of their 1ives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics2.Because the steering unit is fully fluid 1inked,mechanical linkages,universal joints。[www.61k.com]bearings,reduction gears,etc.are eliminated.This provides a simple,compact system.In addition,very little input torque is required to produce the control needed for the toughest applications.This is important where 1imitations of control space require a small steering wheel and it becomes necessary to reduce operator fatigue.

There are several types of shaft couplings; their characteristics depend on the prupose for which they are used. If an exceptionally long shaft is required for a line shaft in the manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on ship, it is made in sections that are coupled together with rigid couplings.

Additional benefits of fluid power systems include instantly reversible motion。automatic.protection against overloads,and infinitely variable speed contr01.Fluid power systems also have the highest horsepower per weight rati0 of any known power

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source.In spite of al 1 these highly desirable features of fluid power,it is not a panacea for all power transmission

problems.work revolves as the table moves along the ways, a helical or spiral cut is produced; as shown in milling-cutters, helical gears, twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Before the helix can be machined the lead and angle of helix are twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Hydraulic oil s are messy.and leakage is impossible to completely eliminate.Also,most hydraulic oil s Carl cause fires if an oil 1eak occur in an area of hot equipment.

Pneumatic System

Pneumatic systems use pressurized gases to transmit and control power.As the name implies,pneumatic systems typically use air(rather than some other gas)as the fluid medium because air is a safe,low cost,and readily available fluid.It is particularly safe in environment s where an e1 electrical spark could ignite leaks from system component s.

Worm wheel are similar to bevel gears and are generally used to connect skew shafts transmitting high velocity rations. The worm wheel give line contact between mating teeth unlike a point contact in the case of bevel gears. This improves the load carrying capacity of the gear train.

In pneumatic systems compressors are used to compress and supply the necessary quantities of air.Compressors are typically of the piston,vane or Screw type.Basically a compressor.Increase the pressure of a gas by reducing its v01ume as described by the perfect gas 1aws.

In connecting shafts belonging to separate devices(such as an electrical motor and gearbox) precise aligning of the shafts is diffcult and a flexible coupling is used. This coupling connects the shafts is such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shaft misalignment. Flexible couplings also permit the shafts to defect under their separate systems of loads and to move freely in the axial direction without interfering with one another. Flexible couplings can also serve to reduce the intensity of shock load and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another.

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Pneumatic systems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an infinite。[www.61k.com]Air source similar to an electrical system where you merely

plug into an electrical outlet for electricity.In this way,pressurized air can be piped from one source to various 10cations throughout an entire industrial plant.The compressed air car be Piped to each circuit through an air filter to remove contaminants which might harm the closely fitting parts of pneumatic components the such as valve and cylinders.The air then flows through a pressure regulator which reduces the pressure to the desired level for the particular circuit application.Because air is not a good 1ubricant(contains bout 20%oxygen),pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject。a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic components.

Free air from the atmosphere contains varying amounts of moisture.This moisture can be harmful in that it Can wash away lubricants and thus cause excessive wear and corrosion.Hence,in some applications,air driers are needed to remove this undesirable moisture

Since pneumatic systems exhaust directly into the atmosphere,they are capable of generating

Excessive noise.Therefore.mufflers are mounted on exhaust ports of air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high—speed airborne particles There are several reasons for considering the use of pneumatic systems instead of hydraulic systems.Liquids exhibit greater inertia than do gases.Therefore,in hydraulic systems the weight of oil is a potential problem when accelerating and decelerating actuators and When suddenly opening and closing valves.

Due to Newton law of motion(force equalsmass multiplied by acceleration),the force required to accelerate oil is many times greater than that required to accelerate an equal volume of air.1iquids also exhibit greater viscosity than do gases.This results in larger frictional pressure and power losses.A1SO,since hydraulic systems

use a fluid foreign to the atmosphere,they require special reservoirs and no leak system designs.Pneumatic systems

when the worm spindle of an index head is geared to the lead screw of the milling

马腾飞 马腾飞

machine so that the work revolves as the table moves along the ways, a helical or spiral cut is produced; as shown in milling-cutters, helical gears, twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Before the helix can be machined the lead and angle of helix are necessary together with worm diameter.

Use air which is exhausted directly back into the surrounding environment.Generally speaking,pneumatic systems are less expensive than hydraulic systems.

However,because of the compressibility of air,it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems.also,precise positioning control is not obtainable.While pneumatic pressures are quite 10W due to compressor design limitations(1ess than 250 psi),hydraulic pressures call be as high as 10,000 psi.Thus,hydraulics can be high——power systems。[www.61k.com]whereas pneumatics are confined to low--power applications4.

Industrial applications of pneumatic Systems are growing at a rapid pace.Typical examples include Stamping,drilling,hoist,punching,Clamping,assembling,riveting,materials

handling,and logic controlling operations.

马腾飞 马腾飞











·油液贮存和调节装置:用来确保提供足够质量和数量并冷却的液体。 液压系统在工业中应用广泛,例如冲压、钢类I:件的磨削及一般加工业、农机、矿业、航天技术、深海勘探、运输、海洋技术,近海天然气和三种油勘探等行业.简而言之,在日常生活中很少有人不从液压技术中得到某种益处。 在液压系统中,除需要液压泵供油和液压执行元件来驱动工作装置外,还要配备一定数量的液压控制阀来对液流的流动方向、压力的高低以及流量的大小进行设想的控制,以满足负载的工作要求。因此,液压控制阀是直接影响液压系统工作过程和工作我的重要元件。

各类液压控制阀虽然形式不同,控制的功能各有所异,但都 具有共性。首先,在结构上,所有的阀都有阀体、阀芯和驱使阀芯动作的元部件等组成。其次,在工作原理上,所有的代的阀口大小,阀进间的压差以及通过阀的流量之间的关

马腾飞 马腾飞

系都是符合孔口流量的公式。(www.61k.com)只是各种阀控制的参数各不相同而已。如压力阀控制的是压力,流量阀控制的是流量等 。













马腾飞 马腾飞









马腾飞 马腾飞











马腾飞 马腾飞











马腾飞 马腾飞


二 : 马腾飞








作者 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺;

作者单位 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度 关键词 钢坯修磨; 力控制系统; 神经网络; 自适应控制; 非线性系统;



【作者单位】: 浙江大学 浙江大学 西安交通大学 西安交通大学

【关键词】: 钢坯修磨 自适应控制 控制系统





4.钢坯修磨 恒力磨削

【摘要】: 钢坯修磨是钢坯进行轧制之前,采用砂轮磨削技术,清除钢坯表面的氧化皮缺陷和裂纹,以保证钢材成品最终质量和提高成才率的必备条件。由于钢坯表面不平,因此在修磨过程中,为了使砂轮能够适应钢坯表面起伏不平的变化,要求钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统具有良好的跟随性。目前,钢坯修磨机存在的主要问题之一就是,砂轮加载系统的跟随性较差,远不能满足高性能修磨机的要求。而且目前,国内大部分修磨机仍采用落后的压下加载技术。本文对重载钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统进行了深入的理论研究和试验研究。主要工

作和结论如下: 1.对钢坯修磨机砂轮加载机构进行了受力分析。分析表明该加载机构具有严重的非线性和时变特性。讨论了影响砂轮修磨压力变化的因素,提出了稳定修磨压力的方法。 2.对砂轮加载系统的几种电液加载方式进行了比较,首次在钢坯修磨机上采用比例三通减压阀加载系统,对系统的动态特性进行了深入的理论分析。建立了这加载系统的数学模型,同时,还 进行了大量的仿真研究和试验研究,一提出了一改善跟随特性的措 施。为钢坯修磨机砂轮加载系统提供了一种新的加载方式。

【关键词】:钢坯修磨 恒力磨削 电液比例系统 三通比例减压阀




作者】 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺;

【机构】 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室;

【摘要】 首次将神经网络非线性自适应控制方法应用于钢坯修磨机恒力加载系统, 显著改善了系统的跟随特性。试验结果表明:该方法不仅能够提高系统输入阶跃的响应时间,而且对系统未知的外加干扰、系统参数时变特性和非线性有较强的自适应能力。 更多还原

【关键词】 钢坯修磨; 力控制系统; 神经网络; 自适应控制; 非线性系统;


【作者】 贾晓刚;

【作者单位】 太钢初轧厂;

【文献出处】冶金设备 , Metallurgical Equipment, 编辑部邮箱 1986年 03期

期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊

【中文关键词】磨头; 修磨机; 砂轮座;

【摘要】一、前言 钢坯修磨机是钢铁厂中处理钢坯表面缺陷的装置,是重要的冶金设备之一。 由于不锈钢坯的表面常存在折迭、脱碳层、飞边、裂纹和氧化铁皮等,必须在加热前使用钢坯修磨机把这些缺陷去掉,以保证产品的质量。使用砂轮修磨能在同一台设备上用于金属表面缺陷层的剥皮和局部清除缺陷,以最小的金属损耗对轧材弯曲度仿形,得到高质量的表面,并能降低消耗和合理改善不锈钢的质量。砂轮修磨具有效率高、质量好、成本低,易于自动化和组成自动线进行高效率生产等优点。因此,在现代化的不锈钢生产中,在精轧前都要修磨板坯,清除缺陷以保证产品质量,业已成为不锈钢产品工艺中必不可少的环节

【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:YJSB.0.1986-03-005


关键词: 钢坯修磨机 液压压下系统 AMESim 复合控制

中文文摘信息 介绍了钢坯修磨机磨头液压压下系统的工作原理,提出压下过程中采用位置、压力复合控制,提高了工作效率。针对砂轮位置扰动引起的多余惯性力,及其磨头自身重力、摩擦力和惯性力对修磨力的影响,采用三通比例减压阀开环控制压力,系统压力波


第一作者 宁振雷


记录标识 KJ66bc2de4-4ffe-4df6-b7b4-9e3ce675068f








【摘要】:首次将神经网络非线性自适应控制方法应用于钢坯修磨机恒力加载系统, 显著改善了系统的跟随特性。试验结果表明:该方法不仅能够提高系统输入阶跃的响应时间,而且对系统未知的外加干扰、系统参数时变特性和非线性有较强的自适应能力。

【作者单位】:西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室 西安交通大学机械工程学院机电教研室

【关键词】:钢坯修磨 力控制系统 神经网络 自适应控制 非线性系统



作者 沙道航; 葛思华; 何钺; 丁崇生;

作者单位 西安工业学院; 西安交通大学;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度 关键词 转速调节; 电液比例控制; 静液传动;


作者:沙道航[1] 李新忠[2]

关键词:泵-马达系统 转速调节 钢坯修磨 电液比例控制


机构:[1]浙江大学 [2]西安交通大学

摘要 钢坯修磨砂轮转速电液比例变量泵马达调节系统的研究第六图书馆本文介绍了钢坯修磨砂轮转速电泫比例变量泵马达调节系统,分析了其静态特性和控制器设计。本文介绍了钢坯修磨砂轮转速电泫比例变量泵马达调节系统,分析了其静态特性和控制器设计。


期刊 QCode : tgjs200703015


作者: 占磊,

关键词: 修磨机, 表面缺陷, 修磨效率,

<特钢技术>>2007年 第13卷 第03期


沙道航[1] 葛思华[2]

[1]浙江大学 [2]西安交通大学

摘 要:



作者 沙道航; 杨华勇; 葛思华; 何钺;

作者单位 浙江大学; 西安交通大学;

文献出处 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度

关键词 钢坯修磨; 伺服控制; 动态刚度


作者:沙道航 葛思华

关键词:强力磨削 钢坯 修磨 金属切除率


摘要 影响钢坯修磨因素初探第六图书馆强力磨削钢坯修磨金属切除率西安工业学院学报沙道航葛思华不详1994第六图书馆




摘要: 介绍了一种新型的并联式钢坯修磨机器人机构,并对其运动学和动力学进行了分析和计算,给出了它们的显示解.在对修磨轨迹的规划中,采用四次多项式曲线和回旋曲线.最后结合一个实际例子进行了计算机仿真

关键词: 并联机器人 动力学 轨迹规划 计算机仿真


作者:胡明 蔡光起


关键词:钢坯修磨 并联机器人 机器人


摘要 一种并联机器人钢坯局部缺陷自动修磨系统第六图书馆钢坯缺陷修磨是保证轧材质量的重要工序



【摘要】: 我国自己设计的 YLMI——1型钢坯修磨机,最近由苏州冶金机械厂,东北工学院、上钢五厂等单位联合研制成功。八月二十日至二十二日,冶金部在苏州冶金机械厂召开现场会,对钢坯修磨机试验机组予以肯定。钢坯修磨作业是提高钢材质量的重要关键,也是当前国内各特殊钢厂迫切需要解决的一项工艺课题。我国长期以来,基本上依靠人工用手提砂轮修磨钢坯,生产效率低,质量难保证,而且环境污染严重。过去,我国曾从国外引进过一些钢


【关键词】:钢坯修磨 冶金机械 研制成功 试验机 生产效率 工学院 苏州 砂轮 冶金部 工艺课


【正文快照】:我国自己设计的YLM工—1型钢坯修磨机,最近由苏州冶金机械!-上钢五厂等单位联气研掣应功东马匕工学院、。八月二十日至二十二日,冶金部在洲州冶金机械厂召开现场会,对钢坯修磨机试验机组子以肯定。 钢坯修磨作业是提篙钢材成髦的重要失键,也是当前国内各特殊姗厂迫切需要解决


关键字:系统 试验 研究 plc 闭环控制 钢坯 压下

plc闭环控制钢坯修磨机磨头压下系统试验研究 收藏此文

全部作者 : 宁振雷 权龙

第一作者单位 : 太原理工大学机械电子工程研究所

论文摘要 : 针对砂轮位置扰动引起的多余惯性力,及其磨头自身重力、摩擦力和惯性力对系统输出力的影响,采用开环控制,系统压力波动较大的问题,提出在三通比例减压阀控制压力的基础上叠加闭环控制的方法进行改进。研制了以可编程控制器(plc)为核心的磨头压下控制系统,压下过程中采用位置、压力复合控制,提高了工作效率。引入带积分分离的增量式pid控制器,闭环控制压力,实现了对磨头压下力的精确控制,使该系统在位置扰动下能够保持良好的跟随特性,满足了性能要求,并已成功应用于国产mg215-h5板坯修磨机上。 关键词 : 钢坯修磨机;液压压下系统;plc;闭环控制;pid


论文作者 沙道航著

关键词 钢坯修模 恒力磨削



Hydraulic System

There are only three basic methods of transmitting power:Electrical,mechanical.and fluid power.Most applications actually use a combination of the

three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system.To properly determine which principle method to use。it is important to know the salient features of each type.For example,fluid systems call transmit power more economically Over greater distances than Can mechanical types.However。fluid systems are restricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.

Hydraulic power transmission system ale concerned with the generation, modulation, and control of pressure and flow and ,and in general such systems include:

1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulic power at the actuator.

2.Valves which control the direction of pump--flow,the level of power produced,and the amount of fluid一一flow to the actuators.The power level is determined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.

3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power Output at the point required.

4.The medium,which is a liquid,provides rigid transmission and control as well as 1ubrication of component s,sealing in valves.and cooling of the system.

5.Connectors which link the various system components,provide power conductors for the fluid under pressure,and fluid flow return to tank(reservoir). .

6、Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality and quantity as well as cooling of the fluid.

7、pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject。a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic

Hydraulic systems ale used in industrial applications such as stamping presses,steel mills,and general manufacturing,agricultural machines,mining industry,aviation,space technology,deep—sea exploration, transportation,marine technology,and offshore gas and petroleum exploration.In short,very few people get through a day of their 1ives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics2.

The principle of electrical-discharge machining also called electro is or spark-erosion machining, is based on the erosion of metals by spark discharges. We know that when two current-conduct in wires are allowed to touch each other, an arc is produced. If we look closely at the point of contact between the two wires, we note

that a small portion of the metal has been eroded away, leaving a small crater.

The basic EDM system consists of a shape tool and the workpiece, connected to a dc power supply and placed in a dielectric fluid this is one of the most widely used machining processes, particularly for die-sinking operations when the potential difference between the tool and the work piece is sufficiently high, a transient spark discharges through the fluid, removing a very small amount of metal from the work piece surface.

The capacitor discharge is repeated at rates of between 50,with voltages usually ranging between 50vand 380v and currents from 0.1A to 500A.

Mechanical control includes cams and governors. Although they have been used for the control of very complex machines, to be cost effectively, today they are used for simple and fixed-cycle task control. Some automated machines, such as screw machines, still use cam-based control. Mechanical control is difficult to manufacture and is subject to wear.

Pneumatic control is still very popular for certain applications. It uses compressed air, valves, and switchs to construct simple control logic, but is easily slow. Because standard compaonents are used to construct the logic, it is easier to build than a mechanical control . Pneumatic control parts are subject to wear.

As does a mechanical control, an electromechanical control uses switches, relays, times counters, and so on, to construct logic, it is faster and more flexible. The controllers using electromechanical control are called relay devices.

The values in the express the relative tool distance from the home position. This distance is shown in the relative or incremental coordinates, U and W.

when reading the values in the not possible to know directly how far the tool is from the part origin. Just how far it is from the home position. mounted on exhaust ports of air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high—speed airborne particles.The sign of the coordinates is zero or negative because the tool cannot move farther than the machine origin . thus at present , the values are zero so the tool is at the home position. The values in the are normally used when setting up the tools in order to find the real tool distances from the part origin.

The values in the absolute position express the absolute tool distance from the part origin. This distance is shown in shown in absolute coordinates, x and z .the sign may be positive or negative, depending on the quadrants in which the tool is moving.

because of the compressibility of air,

it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems.also,precise positioning control is not obtainable.While pneumatic pressures are quite so far is to good. This is an important piece of information for the operator when maching, since any value in the absolute position is directly related to the part.

The secret of hydraulic system’s SUCCESS and widespread use is its versatility and manageability.Fluid power is not hindered by the geometry operations when the potential difference between the tool and the work piece is sufficiently high, a transient spark discharges through the fluid, removing a very small amount of metal from the work piece of the machine as is the ease in mechanical systems.Also,power can be transmitted in almost limitless quantities because fluid systems are not so limited by the physical 1imitations of materials as are the electrical systems.For example,the performance of an electromagnet is limited by The saturation limit of steel.On the other hand,the power limit of fluid systems is 1imited only by the strength capacity of the material.

In the express the relative tool distance from the home position. This distance is shown in the relative or incremental coordinates, U and W. when reading the values in the not possible to know directly how far the tool is from the part origin.

Just how far it is from the home position. The sign of the coordinates is zero or negative because the tool cannot move farther than the machine origin . thus at present , the values are zero so the tool is at the home position. The values in the are normally used when setting up the tools in order to find the real tool distances from the part origin.

Industry is going to depend more and more on automation in order to increase productivity.This includes remote and direct control of production operations,manufacturing processes。and materials handling.

Fluid power is the muscle of automation because of advantages in the following four major categories.

1.Ease and accuracy of contr01.By the use of Simple levers and push but tons,the operator of a flu id power system Call readily start,stop,speed up or slow down,and position forces which provide any desired horsepower With tolerances as precise as one ten—thousandth Of an inch.Fig.13—1 shows a fluid power system which allows all aircraft pilot to raise and lower his landing gear.When the pi lot moves a

small contr01 valve in one direction,oil under pressure flows to one end of the cylinder to lower the landing gear.To retract the landing gear,the pilot

moves the valve lever in the opposite direction,a110wlng 0il to flow into the other end of the cylinder.

2.Multiplication of force. A fluid power system(without using cumbersome gears,pulleys,and levers)Can multiply forces Simply and efficiently from a fraction of an ounce to several hundred tons of output.

3.Constant force or torque.Only fluid power systems are capable of providing constant force or torque regardless of speed changes.This is accomplished whether the work output moves a few inches per hour,several hundred inches per minute,a few revolutions per hour.or thousands of

revolutions per minute.

4.Simplicity,safety,economy.general,fluid power systems use fewer moving parts than

comparable mechanical or electrical systems.

Thus,they ale simpler to maintain and operate.This,in turn,maximizes safety,compactness,and reliability.For example,a new power steering contr01 designed has made all other kinds of power systems obsolete on many

off—highway vehicles.The Steering unit consists of a manually operated directional control valve and meter in a single body.transportation,marine technology,and offshore gas and petroleum exploration.In short,very few people get through a day of their 1ives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics2.Because the steering unit is fully fluid 1inked,mechanical linkages,universal joints。bearings,reduction gears,etc.are eliminated.This provides a simple,compact system.In addition,very little input torque is required to produce the control needed for the toughest applications.This is important where 1imitations of control space require a small steering wheel and it becomes necessary to reduce operator fatigue.

There are several types of shaft couplings; their characteristics depend on the prupose for which they are used. If an exceptionally long shaft is required for a line shaft in the manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on ship, it is made in sections that are coupled together with rigid couplings.

Additional benefits of fluid power systems include instantly reversible motion。automatic.protection against overloads,and infinitely variable speed contr01.Fluid power systems also have the highest horsepower per weight rati0 of any known power

source.In spite of al 1 these highly desirable features of fluid power,it is not a panacea for all power transmission

problems.work revolves as the table moves along the ways, a helical or spiral cut is produced; as shown in milling-cutters, helical gears, twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Before the helix can be machined the lead and angle of helix are twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Hydraulic oil s are messy.and leakage is impossible to completely eliminate.Also,most hydraulic oil s Carl cause fires if an oil 1eak occur in an area of hot equipment.

Pneumatic System

Pneumatic systems use pressurized gases to transmit and control power.As the name implies,pneumatic systems typically use air(rather than some other gas)as the fluid medium because air is a safe,low cost,and readily available fluid.It is particularly safe in environment s where an e1 electrical spark could ignite leaks from system component s.

Worm wheel are similar to bevel gears and are generally used to connect skew shafts transmitting high velocity rations. The worm wheel give line contact between mating teeth unlike a point contact in the case of bevel gears. This improves the load carrying capacity of the gear train.

In pneumatic systems compressors are used to compress and supply the necessary quantities of air.Compressors are typically of the piston,vane or Screw type.Basically a compressor.Increase the pressure of a gas by reducing its v01ume as described by the perfect gas 1aws.

In connecting shafts belonging to separate devices(such as an electrical motor and gearbox) precise aligning of the shafts is diffcult and a flexible coupling is used. This coupling connects the shafts is such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shaft misalignment. Flexible couplings also permit the shafts to defect under their separate systems of loads and to move freely in the axial direction without interfering with one another. Flexible couplings can also serve to reduce the intensity of shock load and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another.

Pneumatic systems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an infinite。Air source similar to an electrical system where you merely

plug into an electrical outlet for electricity.In this way,pressurized air can be piped from one source to various 10cations throughout an entire industrial plant.The compressed air car be Piped to each circuit through an air filter to remove contaminants which might harm the closely fitting parts of pneumatic components the such as valve and cylinders.The air then flows through a pressure regulator which reduces the pressure to the desired level for the particular circuit application.Because air is not a good 1ubricant(contains bout 20%oxygen),pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject。a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic components.

Free air from the atmosphere contains varying amounts of moisture.This moisture can be harmful in that it Can wash away lubricants and thus cause excessive wear and corrosion.Hence,in some applications,air driers are needed to remove this undesirable moisture

Since pneumatic systems exhaust directly into the atmosphere,they are capable of generating

Excessive noise.Therefore.mufflers are mounted on exhaust ports of air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high—speed airborne particles There are several reasons for considering the use of pneumatic systems instead of hydraulic systems.Liquids exhibit greater inertia than do gases.Therefore,in hydraulic systems the weight of oil is a potential problem when accelerating and decelerating actuators and When suddenly opening and closing valves.

Due to Newton law of motion(force equalsmass multiplied by acceleration),the force required to accelerate oil is many times greater than that required to accelerate an equal volume of air.1iquids also exhibit greater viscosity than do gases.This results in larger frictional pressure and power losses.A1SO,since hydraulic systems

use a fluid foreign to the atmosphere,they require special reservoirs and no leak system designs.Pneumatic systems

when the worm spindle of an index head is geared to the lead screw of the milling

machine so that the work revolves as the table moves along the ways, a helical or spiral cut is produced; as shown in milling-cutters, helical gears, twist drills and similar worm are produced in this way. The milling of such items requires a particular relationship between the motions of the dividing head and associated gear train, to control the distance the worm will travel while making one complete revolution. Before the helix can be machined the lead and angle of helix are necessary together with worm diameter.

Use air which is exhausted directly back into the surrounding environment.Generally speaking,pneumatic systems are less expensive than hydraulic systems.

However,because of the compressibility of air,it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems.also,precise positioning control is not obtainable.While pneumatic pressures are quite 10W due to compressor design limitations(1ess than 250 psi),hydraulic pressures call be as high as 10,000 psi.Thus,hydraulics can be high——power systems。whereas pneumatics are confined to low--power applications4.

Industrial applications of pneumatic Systems are growing at a rapid pace.Typical examples include Stamping,drilling,hoist,punching,Clamping,assembling,riveting,materials

handling,and logic controlling operations.











·油液贮存和调节装置:用来确保提供足够质量和数量并冷却的液体。 液压系统在工业中应用广泛,例如冲压、钢类I:件的磨削及一般加工业、农机、矿业、航天技术、深海勘探、运输、海洋技术,近海天然气和三种油勘探等行业.简而言之,在日常生活中很少有人不从液压技术中得到某种益处。 在液压系统中,除需要液压泵供油和液压执行元件来驱动工作装置外,还要配备一定数量的液压控制阀来对液流的流动方向、压力的高低以及流量的大小进行设想的控制,以满足负载的工作要求。因此,液压控制阀是直接影响液压系统工作过程和工作我的重要元件。

各类液压控制阀虽然形式不同,控制的功能各有所异,但都 具有共性。首先,在结构上,所有的阀都有阀体、阀芯和驱使阀芯动作的元部件等组成。其次,在工作原理上,所有的代的阀口大小,阀进间的压差以及通过阀的流量之间的关

系都是符合孔口流量的公式。只是各种阀控制的参数各不相同而已。如压力阀控制的是压力,流量阀控制的是流量等 。









































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